Zhukovskiy, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
At the present stage of the information technologies development, the most important aspect of the eff ectiveness of higher education in Russia is the readiness of the higher education system in general and teachers of higher educational institutions in particular to work with digital technologies. The results of the monitoring presented in this article allow to evaluate important indicators such as the level of digital literacy of teachers, the presence of the necessary ICT competencies of teachers, and the level of development of the digital educational environment of Russian universities, including the degree of universities’ digital equipment, the use of educational software products and educational online services, the degree of development of eeducation. This study allows us to draw a number of signifi cant conclusions necessary for the development of the higher education system in Russia and the development of the necessary methodological tools for conducting a comprehensive assessment of the universities’ readiness to introduce digital educational technologies and products.
digital educational technologies, digital educational environment, educational online services, digital literacy, ICT competence of the teacher
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