Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research contains the current attitude of employee and employer to remote work. The number of employees who switched offi ce work to remote work will increase every year. The reason is that remote work allows to reduce production costs, hire the most qualifi ed workers from diff erent regions and take individual characteristics of a person into consideration. This research is relevant because according to a research by Hays in Russia, ninety percent of offi ce workers would like to work remotely in the future. However, this mode of operation is not possible in all areas of professional activity. Moreover, the expectations of employees may not coincide with reality, because remote work has not only advantages but also disadvantages. The purpose of research is to determine which professions workers wanted and could work in remote access mode and whether the applicants’ expectations of working in remote access mode meet the proposals of employers.

remote work, organization of the labor process, remote workplace, operating mode, profession, staff

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