Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 373.3 Первая ступень обучения. Начальная школа
UDK 373.1 Организация учебного процесса в общеобразовательной школе
The article discusses the importance of the Federal information and educational classes “Conversations about the important” in the patriotic and civic education of elementary schoolchildren. The opinions of supporters and opponents of the idea of this new component of the educational activity of an educational organization are evaluated, the sensitivity of children of primary school age is emphasized, which determines this period of a child’s development as the most favorable for the formation of higher moral feelings. The key positions of the content of the lessons “Conversations about the important” and the features of their organization are revealed.
younger schoolchildren, education strategy, civic-patriotic education, historical memory, the continuity of generations
1. Vstrecha s predstavitelyami obschestvennosti po voprosam patrioticheskogo vospitaniya molodezhi [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: