Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern additional education and upbringing of children reaches a new level of social needs. In the article, the authors present a new leisure for young people – hobby horsing (jumping on a toy horse), which shows the aesthetics and beauty in the movements of teenagers. The method of conducting a master class on the production of horses for teachers of additional education and the method of opening the movement of horses on the basis of centers of additional education of children is proposed. In the course of scientific and pedagogical research, it was revealed that hobbyhorses perform a type of movement with a certain cycle. Moving movements allow not only to increase the motor activity of a person for a certain period of time, but also to develop coordination of movements. The practical significance of the study is that students of Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism promote a new sports movement of youth and offer to introduce it in institutions of additional education in various regions of Russia as a socially-oriented project that performs the function of health-saving education. Additional education of children with the participation of students can get a new practice-oriented stage in the development of motor activity and creative cooperation of young people of different ages.

hobbyhorse in further education, social projects, physical activity of adolescents in the new format, master class

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