Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides a theoretical analysis of the problem of influence of the factor "complete / single-parent family" on intellectual and personal development of a child. It is noted that a family with a changed structure leaves an imprint on the child’s perception of a family and can affect his / her own family and parental attitudes in the future, which determines the relevance of this study. Differences in family representations among primary school children from complete and single-parent families have been empirically revealed. The number of associations on the theme of “family” is greater in children from complete families (but it falls during primary school age) than in children from incomplete (but it increases during primary school age). The qualitative characteristics of representations also have differences: in children from complete families, they primarily encompass family members, and in children from incomplete families – relations between them. The author comes to the conclusion that primary schoolchildren's ideas about the family can serve as an indicator of the family situation in which the child is growing, which is of interest, from a practical point of view as well.

representations, family, complete / single-parent family, primary school student, associative test

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