Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In modern conditions, the traditional manual manner of working with documents in business is replaced gradually by the most rational methods of conducting digital office using a personal computer. Nowadays in the software market there is a wide enough choice of various programs for personnel records management at the company. However, the best properly choice often has difficulties connected with the juridical status of the real consumer of the software, the purpose of its activities, computer literacy of workers and the current experience of using a particular software package. The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that the state character of the work and the specific legal framework of the state institution differ significantly from the one of doing business by commercial (private) enterprises, on which are mainly focused the majority of the human resources software applications. The situation of the issue of electronic personnel records management in state institutions was analyzed on the pat-tern of experience with personnel documentation established in the State Committee on Price Policy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The main aspects of the paperless office work was studied, covering a variety of procedures and routine works with documents, as well as the software itself for dealing with documents of the personnel database of the institution. The article presents the results of studying indicators of electronic document administration and comparative analysis of options for professional personnel management programs. It was noted that at the moment the level of electronic personnel records management in the state institution does not yet fully meet the requirements of modern digital personnel documents management. It was concluded that the destination of further improving the activity of the state institution and raising work on personnel records administration and HR management to a higher level could be solved only if the digital document system for personnel records and accounting will be applied with an operatively updated package of legislative and regulatory framework.

electronic personnel records management, personnel records workflow, HR management, human resources information system, Republic of Sakha, Yakutia

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