Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the key tools for improving the effectiveness of the organization's activities, which is widely used in the world practice, is outsourcing-the transfer of auxiliary functionality to external contractors. In Russia, outsourcing is a dynamically developing type of service, but at the same time it is relatively new. The domestic outsourcing market faces many challenges, including the formation of a new industry and profession, the training of professional outsourcing personnel, and the development of industry standards. Managers of organizations are suspicious of the prospect of abandoning the implementation of a number of supporting processes and transferring them to a third-party organization. Thus, the relevance of the study is due to the existence of an ambiguous attitude of organizations to outsourcing, the presence of reasons for the complete rejection of the use of such practices in their activities. The relevance of the study is enhanced by its practical orientation. The materials of the work can be used in subsequent scientific studies of the effectiveness of the outsourcing services sector in the labor market and the preparation of recommendations for managers and employees of organizations that are necessary in the practical application of the outsourcing mechanism. The object of the study is outsourcing as an element of the personnel planning system of organizations. The subject of the study is the practice of using outsourcing in the activities of organizations. The purpose of the study is to analyze the attitude of organizations to the use of outsourcing in business practice on the example of large industrial companies in the Ural and other regions of Russia. The analysis of empirical material obtained using the questionnaire method in the course of studying the opinions of organizations (for example, the Ural labor market) on the effectiveness of outsourcing showed that the attitude of managers and staff to this mechanism is wary because of the risks associated with financial, legal and psychological aspects in its application to solve business problems of the organization.

outsourcing, outsourcing services, labor market, organization, performance

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