The article discusses the relationship between autopsychological competence and self-knowledge of adolescents in order to determine the scientific basis for the development of self-knowledge through group developmental psychological work. The author focuses on the need to use autopsychological competence as a target reference point (result) of the development of self-knowledge of adolescents in the framework of the implementation of new educational tasks of the national project "Education" and the Federal state educational standard of basic education. The article clarifies the concept of autopsychological competence, makes sense of its structural and content characteristics, and determines the place of self-knowledge in the development of autopsychological competence of adolescent children. Based on the analysis of modern domestic research, the author determined that self-knowledge is the basis for the formation of autopsychological competence, which in turn is the result of self-knowledge and reflects the degree of its development. It is noted that autopsychological competence is a necessary tool and mechanism for the formation of subjectivity, the formation of which is due to the accumulation of autopsychological experience of internal activity. The article defines the scientific basis for building a program for the development of autopsychological competence of adolescents as a target for the development of their self-knowledge. In conclusion, the author presents the conclusions that the use of the construct "autopsychological competence" in the development of programs for the development of self-knowledge of adolescents allows structuring and algorithmizing this work, translating it into an instrumentally understandable applied sphere of developmental work with adolescents, observing the competence approach in education and upbringing of schoolchildren, set by the state as a new task in new educational conditions.
autopsychological competence, teenagers, development, self-knowledge, group work
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