Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article substantiates the possibility of´socio- humanitarian assessment of political processes in the context of philosophical and culturological discourse. The authors advance a conception of socio-humanitarian study which in its turn is constituted by the principles of humanitarian assessment based on the objective-ontological comprehension of morality. Moral evaluations, values and regulations are considered in the context of "archetype " concept and involving the theory of historical-cultural interpretation of the nature of social consciousness. According to this, it is the authors´ opinion that the most appropriate methodological approach to the humanitarian assessment is the approach that is based on the comprehension of the archetypal nature of all fundamental moral values that underlie the humanitarian assessment. According to the opinion of the authors, the proposed conception of the socio-humanitarian study can serve as an alternative to the western liberal paradigm of assessment of sociocultural and political phenomena, based on the principles of the international law and unified panhuman values. The feature of the proposed conception is that it takes into account, on the one hand, the so-called "common human values" on which is based the existence of the civilization, on the other hand — the peculiarity of a certain sociocultural commonality expressed in spiritual, cultural and psychologicalphenomena of´nation´s, people´s andcountry´s life. At the same time, both are derived from archetypal cultural and psychological universals. So, archetypes — transcultural and overindividual matrices, thinking, sense and meaning patterns, peculiar regulations of consciousness activity — serve as conceptual meaning of values which, according to the authors, underlie the socio-humanitarian assessment. The collective unconscious keeps cultural models, mythological and religious images. Acting in this manner in human consciousness, it represents a structure which is responsible for moral evaluation, as long as any evaluation as well as norms of behavior and activity are embedded at the pre- (or super-) reflective level of both individual and collective consciousness.

humanitarian assessment, common human values, legal assessment, morality, culture

Понятие гуманитарной экспертизы выявляет свой смысл в связи с понятием оценки, поскольку гуманитарная экспертиза есть оценка какого-то феномена либо процесса с позиции ценности для человека. Таким образом, терминологически экспертиза связана с оценкой, а та, в свою очередь, семантически и содержательно — с понятием ценности.


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