Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In modern conditions of instability of the economic situation, any business should strive to ensure its economic security, the dominant component of which is personnel security. The article is devoted to the definition of the value and role of personnel policy in ensuring the personnel security of the enterprise. The research methodology is based on a conceptual understanding of the personnel policy as a tool for ensuring personnel security through a set of internal regulations that define the interaction of the employer and employees, allowing, among other tasks, to solve the most important task of preventing threats to the economic security of business from the staff. Based on the study of the personnel policy of a successful Russian company, JSC "Transneft Siberia", it is concluded that it can be defined as a tool for ensuring personnel security, while indicators with sum values that can be used as indicators of personnel security are identified. The result of the study is a convincing argument for defining personnel policy as a tool for ensuring personnel security, a description of the personnel policy of Transneft Siberia as a set of internal regulations and an indication of the threshold values of personnel security indicators established by this company with a critical assessment. The analyzed experience of a successful Russian company can be used by other organizations in developing their own personnel policy and assessing its level.

personnel policy, economic security, personnel security, indicators of personnel security

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