Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The problem of forming a transprofessional personality is becoming more and more relevant in the science and practice of the development of modern society. The article considers the characteristics of a transprofessional employee as the main subject of the development of the organization and the economy as a whole through the system of his professional and personal qualities and competencies, gives a generalized idea of the place of the studied characteristics in the labor potential of a transprofessional. The research is devoted to the study of ideas about the transprofessional worker in the educational environment. In the course of the study using the author's questionnaire, assessment scales and calculation of coefficients, data were obtained regarding the opinion of students and teachers about the degree of expression of the studied characteristics in transprofessionals, as well as – as a problem field – about the possibilities of forming and developing these characteristics in the process of studying at the University. At the final stage, a comparative analysis of the results by sample category is performed. The product of the study is a score table, as well as generalized graphs that reflect the opinion of respondents on the issues under study. The scientific novelty of the research consists in an attempt to identify the main patterns of understanding the phenomenon of transprofessionalism in order to find ways to form it most effectively. The practical significance of the research results can form the basis for the transformation of modern education systems and professional self-determination of young workers.
transprofessionalism, transprofessional, labor potential, competence, professional and personal quality
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