Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes major problems of R&D personnel management in the aerospace industry. This paper considers actual personnel policy of Russian research enterprise, which is one of the world is leading spacecraft companies. Continued rapid growth of Industry 4.0 reveals the readiness of a modern society to accept new business conditions and use new ways of communication. The largest companies in each industry sector, in turn, are taking significant steps to reorganize technological processes, integrate new business mechanisms, as well as improve tools for managing resources, including human resources. Aerospace is undoubtedly the most high-tech manufacturing sector, which requires its participants to constantly develop innovative potential, develop new technical and technological solutions and their useful practical application. Therefore, the possibility of success in this area depends directly on scientists. The author carried out a sociological research by polling R&D employees of this company and its findings revealed significant shortcomings of the existing personnel management system such as incorrect tools for assessing the innovative performance of R&D personnel. These shortcomings inhibit reaching the goals and aims of the company. Therefore, the main steps to improve the existing R&D personnel management system in the aerospace industry are proposed.

research and development personnel management, scientific and technical personnel, rotation scientific and technical personnel, stimulating of scientific research, high-tech companies

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