Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Basic concepts of professional pedagogical discourse: ‘linguistic personality’, ‘bilingual personality’, ‘communicative behavior’ are defined in the article; they are examined as preparation of a teacher for teaching the Russian language in bicultural national-Russian environment. Peculiarities of Komi-Permyak bilingual students - future teachers of the Russian language, who are representatives of two cultures and speakers of two languages - Komi-Permyak and Russian, are revealed in the article. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that the study of bilingual personality of the future teacher of the Russian language in pedagogical discourse requires conceptual questions that define and take into account peculiarities of bilingual personality formed in native and Russian cultures and speaking native and the Russian languages. Preparation of such a teacher for teaching should take into account peculiarities of educational environment. The goal is to provide quality training for the future teacher of the Russian language - national-Russian bilingual taking into account bicultural environment at the national department of the pedagogical university. Conclusions are the following: preparation of the future teacher should be based on the term system, which is determined by the basic concepts that characterize bilingual personality and professional pedagogical discourse; the system of linguistic and methodological preparation of the future Russian language teacher - national-Russian bilingual - should take into account ethno-national peculiarities of bilingual personality, revealed in communicative behavior while teaching the state Russian language in environment that can be mono/bi/multicultural.

bilingual personality; communicative behavior; the Russian language; native language; professional pedagogical discourse; mono/bi/multicultural environment; behavioral strategies and tactics

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