Zhukovskiy, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article presents the results of research and development of a model for the formation and development of a personal HR brand - an interactive navigator that helps a student and a young specialist in the field of personnel management to correctly build a professional development strategy and increase their value in the labor market. The choice of this topic is primarily due to the urgency of the problem of employment: it is difficult for modern students and young specialists to fully reveal and use their potential, since, firstly, they are not known in the professional environment and, secondly, they do not know how to position themselves on the labor market as professionals. Thus, they are required to take targeted active actions in professional self-realization, one of the main tools for the implementation of which is a personal brand. Thus, the aim of the study is to increase the value and recognition of students in the labor market and in the professional environment and their employment in their specialty after graduating from the university based on the use of the model for the formation and development of a personal HR brand.
personal HR brand, student, young specialist, employment, model, labor market, university
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