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Abstract (English):
The aim of the research is to analyze the concept of “an educational service” in the context of modern research marketing education. The research method is a theoretical analysis of approaches to understanding the concept of “an educational service” in the context of modern marketing research. The greatest attention to the problem of consumption in the education is given in marketing researches. The study range of “educational services” in marketing is quite wide, however, such problems as consumer behaviour and other private issues are considered with a disproportionately low interest, especially abroad. There is especially little research in the context of the ergonomic support of marketing research. At the same time, neither the problems of the consumption subjectivity, nor the problems of educational services themselves, are placed at the centre of researches and studies, although there are many works on marketing education. This is largely due to the fact that the issue of the educational service specifics as an object of consumption in marketing is considered almost from the very beginning to resolve the issue of “how to sell unsold”, legitimizing the criminal trade of documents on the education, how to transform the education as a transmission sphere of cultural values and knowledge into the sphere of a person’s trade and economic enslavement, how to turn a person into a material “capital” which is devoid of consciousness and will and serves the business interests. The options for solving this problem range here from introducing a special concept of “social marketing” to denying consumerism in the relations.

active education, dialogue, education marketing, non-profit marketing, educational service, ergonomics, co-creation, social marketing, educational satisfaction
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