The article is devoted to the role and possibilities of using phraseology in teaching professional communication skills in Russian to foreign students. As an example, phraseological units are discussed that are used in professional communication in the field of economics and business. The article contains such linguistic characteristics of phraseological units in the economic discourse as semantics, stylistic properties, etymology, communicative value. Teaching professional communication with the use of phraseology assumes acquaintance of foreign students with the main linguistic characteristics of phraseological units, i.e. with their grammatical properties, lexical and syntactic compatibility, features of functioning in speech. Control tests are aimed at mastering the semantics of phraseological units, at developing the skills and abilities of using phraseological units in professional speech. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the use of phraseological expressions in teaching professional communication allows to consider phraseology as one of the linguistic resources that contributes to the formation of communicative competence in the professional sphere among foreign students.
phraseological units, linguistic characteristics, functioning in speech, professional communication, communicative competence
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