Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the process of development and improvement of management, the attitude towards a person has changed. In modern society, the employee is one of the main assets of the organization. Personnel is a strategic resource that, if used correctly, can generate profits in the long term. Personnel management is an important area, and the work of the entire organization depends on the effectiveness of its implementation. A new process within the framework of building a general human resource management strategy is HR branding - building an attractive brand of an employer's organization in order to influence the external environment. Existing employees can become an effective channel for promoting an HR brand. Therefore, the internal brand of the employer is especially important, the essence of which lies in the attitude of employees to their organization, that is, in employees' satisfaction with their work, working conditions. The process of creating and developing an employer's brand allows you to improve the efficiency of the organization, increase its competitiveness and reduce a number of costs. This paper analyzes the internal HR-branding of the hotel business. During the research, both advantages and disadvantages were identified. The necessity of an integrated approach to the formation of an internal HR brand as a tool for retaining the company's human resources is proved.

human resource management, talent management, HR branding, external HR branding, employer value proposition

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