Naberezhnye Chelny, Kazan, Russian Federation
Naberezhnye Chelny, Kazan, Russian Federation
Naberezhnye Chelny, Kazan, Russian Federation
UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
GRNTI 55.13 Технология машиностроения
The paper considers a technique that allows to increase the efficiency of solving various types of production tasks based on simulation modeling. The technique considers the process of engineering modeling of technological system components in accordance with conceptual hierarchical levels, which with the deeper level provide an approximation of the simulated object from the initial correspondence in the form of equipment contours to the maximum in the form of a 3D component model based on 3D scanning. This technique allows to choose the most adequate option of modeling the technological system components, corresponding to the complexity of the production task solved by simulation modeling. The application of the technique in the design and engineering services of a machine-building enterprise allows to arrange the modeling process, select all its stages, assign performers, check the execution of the modeling process, ensure that the models correspond to the production task being solved. The technique effectiveness is confirmed by the given examples of solving production tasks of diverse complexity – simulation modeling of gear milling of helical bevel gears and circular tooth pulling. The purpose of the paper is to reduce the complexity of building 3D models of technological systems by engineering services of machine-building enterprises for solving production problems of diverse complexity thanks to the hierarchical structuring of input design information for building 3D models of a technological system and solved production tasks. Research methods: functional differentiation of processes. Research results and novelty: reducing the duration of solving production tasks of diverse complexity by decreasing the time of 3D modeling of technological systems. Conclusions: rational arrangement of engineering modeling based on the hierarchical structuring of input design information for building 3D models of a technological system and solved production tasks allows to reduce the duration of engineering modeling up to two times.
modeling, technological system, arrangement, production task, functional differentiation of processes
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