The article proposes to consider the initial stage of the transition to such a form of training organization as collective classes in different-age groups of younger schoolchildren according to the methodology developed by the talented teacher A.G. Rivin. They are held at the Moscow secondary school named after Ivan Yarygin of the Krasnoyarsk region on the integrated content of academic subjects “Literary Reading”, “Fine Arts”, “Technology”. The specificity of the texts compiled by teachers for use in the process of paragraph-by-paragraph elaboration of the text using the technology of A.G. Rivina. Particular attention is paid to the issues of including first-graders (some of whom do not yet know how to read and write) in classes where younger schoolchildren of an older age participate. In this regard, multilevel algorithms of educational interaction are described. It highlights the difficulties that may arise with this form of training, as well as ways to overcome them.
forms of education; collective training in groups of different ages using the technology of A.G. Rivina; younger schoolchildren; the formation of reading literacy; integrated content of elementary school subjects: “Literary reading”, “Fine arts”, “Technology”; organization of training: consolidated detachment, pairs of replacement personnel; inclusion of first graders in classes; multilevel algorithms for educational interaction
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