Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Theoretical aspects and practical developments in the use of corporate knowledge management technologies are considered. The importance of knowledge management in the company's personnel management system is analyzed. The technology of benchmarking as a source of obtaining new corporate knowledge is highlighted and described. Special attention is paid to HR analytics processes. The use of benchmarking research as a tool for analyzing the field of personnel management is proposed. Approaches to the development of metrics for benchmarking in the field of personnel management of the organization are described. Based on the study of the practical experience of the use of benchmarking research by companies, the need for the organization of storage and effective dissemination of results has been established. Considering that at present corporate knowledge is becoming the most valuable internal product of the organization, the use of modern information technologies is proposed to expand access to corporate knowledge and solve the problems of decentralization of knowledge, duplication and loss of information for decision-making in the field of personnel management.

knowledge management, HR analytics, HR benchmarking, HR metrics, information technology, corporate knowledge base

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