This article explores the innovation potential of the staff at industrial enterprises. The relevance of the research is confirmed by the increasing interest of companies in innovation. This manifests itself both in the changing organizational structure of enterprises and a new approach to human resource management, for instance, the revision of the key performance indicators of employees. One of the main goals of the research was determining the factors that influence the development of the innovation potential of staff and assessment of their impact. The institutional approach formed the conceptual basis of the study. It allowed the authors to consider the management of innovation potential as a special mechanism for achieving sustainability, stable development of an enterprise, and its strategic success in general. The authors established that organizational and administrative factors have the greatest influence on the formation and development of the innovation potential of staff, while the constraining factors are the lack of an innovative strategy, authoritarian management style, and bureaucratization. Studying the techniques aimed at the development of staff’s innovation potential, the authors concluded that the most effective ones for industrial enterprises are consultations of subject matter specialists. A significant novelty of this work is the model of interaction of participants in the innovation process developed by the authors. The research findings enabled the authors to devise recommendations for the formation and development of the innovation potential of the company’s employees.
innovation, organization, innovative potential, management by innovative potential, technologies of development of innovative potential
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