Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the state of the youth labor market in Russia, identifies the problems of the modern youth labor market, such as the unjustified ambition of youth, mistrust of employers towards young people, the unpreparedness of the majority of young people after graduation for working life, the inadequacy of the educational system to the requirements of the business environment and the labor market, and , first of all, training of workers in professions that are not in demand on the labor market. A set of measures is proposed to solve these problems of the youth labor market: the formation of mechanisms of real interaction between the business environment, the labor market and the sphere of education; adjustment of educational programs in terms of their practice-orientedness; formation of a system for preparing young people to enter the labor market through their social and professional adaptation. The analysis of the socio-cultural characteristics of generations "Y" and "Z" is carried out, it is shown that taking into account these features will improve the situation on the youth labor market in the digital era.

youth, labor market, employment, unemployment, digitalization, digital generation, generations Y and Z, COVID-19 pandemic

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