Makeevka, Ukraine
The work is devoted to carrying out multidimensional interpolation and approximation methods for the numerical solution of differential equations and computer model development of the stress-strain state of metal structures. The core of the work is a fundamental computational algorithm for the numerical solution of differential equations using geometric interpolants on regular and irregular networks. On its basis, computational experiments are carried out on numerical simulation of the stress-strain state of operated reservoirs for storing petroleum products, which form a software package implemented in the Maple interpreter. At the same time, the differential equation for modelling the stress-strain state of an elastic cylindrical shell under axisymmetric loading is improved for the numerical analysis of the stress-strain state of a cylindrical reservoir with geometric imperfections. Also a new approach is proposed to take into consideration the initial conditions of the differential equation, which consists of parallel transfer of the numerical solution to the point, its coordinates correspond to the initial conditions. The advantage of the proposed approach for the numerical solution of differential equations using geometric interpolants is that it eliminates the need to coordinate geometric information in the process of interaction between CAD and FEA systems, by analogy with the isogeometric method.
computer model, geometric interpolant, differential equation, numerical solution, stress-strain state, metal structures
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