Saransk, Saransk, Russian Federation
The article shows the importance of professions in the field of IT. The problems that arise when applicants choose professions in this area are noted. In particular, difficulties in mastering the exact sciences at school, underestimation of the importance of information technology in solving professional problems, low motivation. It is noted that such a direction of informatics as "Social informatics" can help in choosing professions in the field of IT, but there are not enough teaching hours on this topic and the material is mostly theorized. To solve this problem, it is proposed to include an elective course “Fundamentals of Social Informatics. Creation of a chat bot”, where students, along with theoretical questions, would learn practice, namely, programming chat bots. Two online constructors are highlighted that can be used for learning - BorisBot and Botmother, and the basics of working in them are shown. The development of an elective course with an emphasis on the module "Practical issues of creating chat bots" is given, which provides classes in which high school students learn to program chat bots.
chatbots, elective course, education, programming, career guidance, high school students, IT-sphere
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