Moscow State Linguistic University (Professor)
Russian Federation
The article gives a multidimensional characterization of the cognitive metaphor of the Chinese miracle, which appeared as an addition to the truthful, realistic image of China in Russian digital media; as confirmation that China's influence on the world economy is increasing. China is becoming the subject of discussion in many media outlets, as a result of which, on the one hand, a dynamic, and, on the other hand, a radically changing image of China appears in Russian digital media, expressed through the key conceptual metaphor of the Chinese miracle. The authors analyze the source spheres of the Chinese miracle concept, represented by special lexical units in the Russian media discourse, using such research methods as definitional analysis, interpretive analysis, contextual analysis, content analysis. The results of the scientific research are shown on the basis of typologization of the metaphor of the Chinese miracle, differently presented in the modern Russian media language picture of the world.
: conceptual metaphor; Chinese miracle; Russian digital media; target sphere; source sphere, media communication
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