Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
We have analyzed geomagnetic variations in the 2.5–12 Hz frequency range in the ionospheric F layer above the electron density maximum, using data from two SWARM satellites. The analysis is based on the data obtained under weak and moderate magnetic activity for 12 days in September and December 2016. To separate spatial inhomogeneities from time variations of the magnetic field, we analyzed signal waveforms and cross-spectra in a 2.56 s sliding window. A maximum in the occurrence and power spectral density of the variations was found at latitudes above the polar boundary of the auroral oval, which correspond to the magnetospheric input layers and dayside polar cusp/cleft. Typical waveforms of the high-latitude variations are the wave packets lasting for 5–10 periods, recorded with a short time delay by two satellites spaced by 40–100 km. These variations might be the ionospheric manifestation of the electromagnetic ion-cyclotron waves generated at the non-equatorial magnetosphere near the polar cusp. The waveforms and cross-spectra of the variations are examined in more details for two cases with different spatial distributions of the magnetic field in the ionosphere. For the ionospheric conditions corresponding to event 1 (September 17, 80° geomagnetic latitude, afternoon sector), spatial distributions of wave magnetic field in the ionosphere and on Earth are estimated using a model of Alfvén beam with a finite radius incident on the ionosphere [Fedorov et al., 2018].

ionosphere, polar cusp, geomagnetic pulsations
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