from 01.01.2020 until now
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 81 Лингвистика. Языкознание. Языки
UDK 80 Общие вопросы филологии, лингвистики и литературы. Риторика
The article is devoted to the issues of identifying ways of expressing expressiveness in German-language videos of cosmetic products. The article presents a new approach to the concept of expressiveness, which is understood as an intrinsic feature of video advertising, which is represented at various levels of information presentation. The work highlights linguistic, paralinguistic, extralinguistic and cognitive means of creating expressiveness in German-language advertising videos.
advertising, video advertising, expressiveness, impact, linguistic means, paralinguistic means, extralinguistic means, cognate means of impact
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2. Tikhonova Ya.V., Smirnova A.G.Modal verbs as a means of subjective modality in the texts of German-language social advertising // Journal of Philological Research. 2020. Vol. 5. No. 4. pp. 9-12.
3. Tsybenko E.O. Lexical features of creating expressiveness of English- and Russian-language advertising text / E.O. Tsybenko, N.V. Kovalchuk // Philological Sciences. Questions of theory and practice - 2019. - Vol.12. - No. 4. - pp. 295-299
4. Yartseva V.N. Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary / V.N. Yartseva - M., 1990