Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The current situation of «mass character» of higher education has led to the fact that a large number of graduates significantly exceeds market demands. And most often, the acquired competencies do not advise the requirements of the digital economy. Changes in the labor market affect education at all levels. The digitalization of all spheres of society does not bypass the education system. The requirements for skills and abilities are changing quite quickly, among which preference is given primarily to creative thinking, emotional intelligence, and programming. The emergence of new educational technologies has led to a rapid reduction in the time for mastering professional skills. Education is moving from an industrial model to a more flexible model based on building a career development trajectory. In accordance with this, the main trends in the education of the future are identified. Undoubtedly, the digitalization process determines the technologies used for learning — digital platforms, virtual reality technologies, digital organization of the educational process. Thanks to modern technologies, it has become possible for businesses to monitor the practical developments of not only students, but also schoolchildren in real time, preparing personnel for their needs. The development of individual career development trajectories requires an individual approach to the learning process based on adaptive programs, taking into account cognitive abilities, basic education and motivation. Great importance is given to the analysis of the labor market and the determination of the most demanded professions in the short term based on the use of the Gartner curve. All this requires restructuring the educational process in accordance with modern trends and possible changes in the labor market.
career path, educational trends and technologies, EDUHR
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