Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work is devoted to the study of motivational resources of sports activity in persons with auditory limitations. The study involved 149 athletes with hearing impairment aged 18 to 45 years, of which 31% were female, engaged in sports such as judo, sambo, vol-leyball, swimming, table tennis. The survey of respondents was carried out before the Russian and Moscow championships in judo, sambo, volleyball, swimming, table tennis among persons with auditory limitations (deaf sports) in 2017–2019. Personal qualities, motives, values and social attitudes were studied. The following tools were used: the method of motivational attitudes «paths and lines», the questionnaire of coping strate-gies («Lazarus-Folkman»), the projective methods «EQF Test» and the questionnaire of motivation of sports activity developed by the authors for persons with auditory limi-tations. The results obtained make it possible to say that sports activities allow people with audio disabilities to meet the significant needs of interpersonal interaction, physical and social development. They have a correction of the motivational sphere. It is noted that the vast majority of athletes with auditory disabilities have been given the oppor-tunity by sport to communicate, become physically and psychologically stronger and forget about health problems. Almost everyone has a pronounced positive attitude to-wards life, people and there is a desire to succeed in life. Thanks to sports, people with auditory disabilities have increased social adaptability.

motivational resources, motivation of persons with auditory limitations, social attitudes, self-image, personality qualities, values, sports activities, athletes with auditory limita-tions
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