Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the experience of implementing a continuous study of educational and professional motivation of students on the basis of the Krasnoyarsk State University named after V.P. Astafiev. The author considers educational and professional motivation as a predictor of personal and career prospects, and discusses the need for both a broad study of the motivational profile of the personalities of university students, and the implementation of the results obtained in real educational practice through the development and implementation of programs for psychological and pedagogical support of personal and professional self-determination of students, educational work and advisory activities of a psychologist in support of the course of age-related personality crises of students. The results of a study conducted on a sample of 613 university students demonstrate a pronounced motivational gap at the age of 20, which suggests possible reasons for the sharp decline in educational and professional motivation - the lack of psychological and pedagogical support for students in the course of a youth crisis (identity crisis) or the beginning of a quarter crisis. life. Both assumptions demonstrate the urgent need for psychological support for university students, including the development and implementation of both programs of psychological and pedagogical support for students (including crisis ones), and work on methodological enrichment of the content of disciplines and educational activities in order to systematically implement the individualization and differentiation of the educational process.

educational and professional motivation, higher education, pedagogical university, psychological support of students, quarter life crisis
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