Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
To detect the pathophysiologic link between osteoprotegerin with myocardial failare in chronic kidney disease (СКD) stages III–V was the aim of his research. Osteoprotegerin was measured using commercially kits in 72 CKD stages III–V patients (40 females and 35 males aged 34–67 years). The patients were examined clinically with estimation of the levels of calcium, phosphorus parathormone. Echocardiography on Aloka-4000 unit was made. Left ventricular geometry was assessed by J.Gottdiener classification. Therapy included the correction of anemia, arterial hypertension and phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Mean age of patients was 48±6 years, mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures were 161±22/81±11 mm Hg. Osteoprotegerin high level correlated with renal function and severity of left ventricular hypertrophy. We have shown that the changes of mediator of mineral-bone metabolism osteoprotegerin induced by CKD are independently associated with cardiovascular disfunction.

osteoprotegerin, PTH, calcification, pressure, postloading, mineral-bone disorder.

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