Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
1810-7230 (print)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 0
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Requirements to articles

  1. All submitted work must undergo peer review stage, the editors reserve the right to shorten the published materials and their adaptation to the rubrics of the magazine.
  2. In pedaktsii ppedstavlyaet pukopisi 2 copies, and the corresponding electronic media (disk - CD). The manuscripts are accompanied by a letter of the guide agencies certified by the responsible person, in the name of the chief editor. Files in Word (.doc) 2003/2007, style Times New Roman, size 12, 1 interval on a sheet of A4, margins 2.0 cm on all sides. The first line of a paragraph - indent 1 cm. Use automatic hyphenation. Bottom right is put pagination.
  3. The size of paper should not exceed 8 pages, view - no more than 15 pages, including tables and figures. Exception - custom summarizing article, the amount of which is negotiated with the author of the editorial board. The editors reserve the right to correct and (or) reduction of materials sent.
  4. Making the cover page: surnames and initials of the author (s) - not more than 6, the name of the publication, the full official name of the institution and its full mailing address, belonging to the institution designated by the authors superscript. At the end of the article must be handwritten signatures of authors, fully specified name, necessarily - Positions academic titles, the exact address (home and work, email), phone, fax of the author.
  5. Text of the article is submitted in 2 copies. The electronic version of the article should have one file that includes full information. Article initialed by the head of the institution, it attached a cover letter on the letterhead of the institution, from which the articles, reviews and expert opinion. Last page text of the article signed by all authors, stating the name and surname, postal address, e-mail, phone and fax numbers (office or home).
  6. Original article shall contain sections: introduction (brief justification purposes); Materials and methods of research; Results and discussion; Literature. In the "Materials and Methods" should be clearly and accurately describes the organization of the study (design). In particular, the version of the study indicated, a cross-sectional (transverse), longitudinal (prospective or retrospective case - control study). It should be described in the criteria for inclusion and exclusion from it (and not just an indication of the diagnosis). Be sure to mention the presence or absence of randomization (indicating method) in the distribution of patients in groups, as well as the presence or absence of the masking ("glare") with placebo and the drug in clinical trials. This section must describe used equipment and diagnostic equipment, stating its basic technical characteristics and the manufacturer, the name of commercial kits for hormonal and biochemical studies with their producers and normal values ​​for individual indicators. When using conventional research methods are necessary to bring the references. It should specify the name used by the international drugs and chemicals, doses and methods of use (route of administration). If the article contains a description of experiments on human beings, it is necessary to indicate whether they corresponded to the procedure of ethical standards committee responsible for this aspect of the work, or the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 and its revision in 1983 in experimental work is necessary to specify the type and number of animals used, methods applied analgesic and killing animals in strict accordance with the "Rules of work with experimental animals", approved by order of the Ministry of Health.
  7. It is necessary to resume (of not less than 500 characters without spaces) with keywords (no more than 7) in Russian and English languages. At the beginning of summary given UDC, authors' names, then the title of the article.
  8. Particular attention should be paid to the reduction. Common abbreviations (ECG, EEG, EMG, sonography, TLT, LH, FSH, IGF-1, etc.) do not require decoding. Route of administration (w / w, w / m, n / a) are abbreviated. All other brand names and concepts at the first mention must be decrypted.
  9. It is used mainly standaptnye spedstva makpopaketa. Kpayne undesirable to use without the need for signs padded with spaces! Tables and figures (format JPEG), graphics have in the course of the article and have links in the text. Pictures in JPEG format to make a separate file. Number of graphic material should be minimized. These tables should not be duplicated with graphs and repeated in the text. Be sure to specify the methods and programs for statistical processing. Each figure should have a common header and a transcript of all the cuts. The captions should indicate the magnification level, the method of painting (or impregnation) of the drug.
  10. Pristateyny References should comply with GOST R7.05-2008, compiling a bibliography must be in alphabetical order. References to the source literature should be cited in the text in square brackets. Worth include a list of the authors for the last 7 years, while in the original articles can be quoted up to 20 sources, review of the literature - up to 70

Ethics of scientific publications

Authors are fully responsible for the spelling and style of materials submitted for publication. The editorial staff is not liable to the authors and / or third parties and organizations for any damage caused by the publication of the article. The editors have the right to withdraw published article, if it turns out that in the process of publication of the article had been violated someone's rights or generally accepted standards of scientific ethics. The fact of withdrawal according to the author of the article editors who submit articles and the organization where the work was performed. The journal accepts for the publication of brief reviews or discussion comments on previously published articles. These reviews or comments posted in the magazine immediately after the main article or its English translation, if any, as well as in the discussion section of the magazine. To publish reviews or remarks recommendations are not required, but the amount of each such print publications should not exceed 2 pages of format A4. Reviews and comments can be written in Russian or English. It prohibited the publication and / or distribution of materials of the magazine by third persons or organizations on the paper and solid electronic media.

Authors are fully responsible for the spelling and style of materials submitted; taking into account which came into force on January 1, 2008 Fourth Part of the Civil Code, regulating the traffic rights to intellectual property, the authors of the materials as a licensee provide a magazine exclusive rights to their publication.

Publishing procedure

You can submit an article by e-mail: vmbvestnik@mail.ru

For publication in the journal "VMBV" original articles are accepted in Russian or English, scientific reviews and reports (chronicle) of conferences, announcements, etc. materials related to contemporary theoretical and applied research on the subject of the magazine. In addition, authors can submit an adequate translation from one language to another published the entire text of the article. This article translated text is placed immediately following the original text.

The direction of the editors of papers published in other publications or sent for printing in other editions, is not permitted.

The editors reserve the right to reject an article without giving reasons. Rejected manuscripts are not returned. The order of the publication of articles in accordance with the set-up edition of the journal editorial.

The editorial staff reserves the right to shorten and edit material article, regardless of their volume, including changes in the titles of articles, terms and definitions. Small fixes stylistic, item or formal nature are included in the article without the consent of the author. If the article is processed by the author in the process of preparing for publication, the date of receipt shall be the date of receipt of the final text.

First of all graduate students are published (free of charge, subject to personal authorship graduate students without co-authorship), subscribers (in number of no more than 1 of the article).

Institute of Biomedical Investigations of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Requirements to articles

  1. All submitted work must undergo peer review stage, the editors reserve the right to shorten the published materials and their adaptation to the rubrics of the magazine.
  2. In pedaktsii ppedstavlyaet pukopisi 2 copies, and the corresponding electronic media (disk - CD). The manuscripts are accompanied by a letter of the guide agencies certified by the responsible person, in the name of the chief editor. Files in Word (.doc) 2003/2007, style Times New Roman, size 12, 1 interval on a sheet of A4, margins 2.0 cm on all sides. The first line of a paragraph - indent 1 cm. Use automatic hyphenation. Bottom right is put pagination.
  3. The size of paper should not exceed 8 pages, view - no more than 15 pages, including tables and figures. Exception - custom summarizing article, the amount of which is negotiated with the author of the editorial board. The editors reserve the right to correct and (or) reduction of materials sent.
  4. Making the cover page: surnames and initials of the author (s) - not more than 6, the name of the publication, the full official name of the institution and its full mailing address, belonging to the institution designated by the authors superscript. At the end of the article must be handwritten signatures of authors, fully specified name, necessarily - Positions academic titles, the exact address (home and work, email), phone, fax of the author.
  5. Text of the article is submitted in 2 copies. The electronic version of the article should have one file that includes full information. Article initialed by the head of the institution, it attached a cover letter on the letterhead of the institution, from which the articles, reviews and expert opinion. Last page text of the article signed by all authors, stating the name and surname, postal address, e-mail, phone and fax numbers (office or home).
  6. Original article shall contain sections: introduction (brief justification purposes); Materials and methods of research; Results and discussion; Literature. In the "Materials and Methods" should be clearly and accurately describes the organization of the study (design). In particular, the version of the study indicated, a cross-sectional (transverse), longitudinal (prospective or retrospective case - control study). It should be described in the criteria for inclusion and exclusion from it (and not just an indication of the diagnosis). Be sure to mention the presence or absence of randomization (indicating method) in the distribution of patients in groups, as well as the presence or absence of the masking ("glare") with placebo and the drug in clinical trials. This section must describe used equipment and diagnostic equipment, stating its basic technical characteristics and the manufacturer, the name of commercial kits for hormonal and biochemical studies with their producers and normal values ​​for individual indicators. When using conventional research methods are necessary to bring the references. It should specify the name used by the international drugs and chemicals, doses and methods of use (route of administration). If the article contains a description of experiments on human beings, it is necessary to indicate whether they corresponded to the procedure of ethical standards committee responsible for this aspect of the work, or the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 and its revision in 1983 in experimental work is necessary to specify the type and number of animals used, methods applied analgesic and killing animals in strict accordance with the "Rules of work with experimental animals", approved by order of the Ministry of Health.
  7. It is necessary to resume (of not less than 500 characters without spaces) with keywords (no more than 7) in Russian and English languages. At the beginning of summary given UDC, authors' names, then the title of the article.
  8. Particular attention should be paid to the reduction. Common abbreviations (ECG, EEG, EMG, sonography, TLT, LH, FSH, IGF-1, etc.) do not require decoding. Route of administration (w / w, w / m, n / a) are abbreviated. All other brand names and concepts at the first mention must be decrypted.
  9. It is used mainly standaptnye spedstva makpopaketa. Kpayne undesirable to use without the need for signs padded with spaces! Tables and figures (format JPEG), graphics have in the course of the article and have links in the text. Pictures in JPEG format to make a separate file. Number of graphic material should be minimized. These tables should not be duplicated with graphs and repeated in the text. Be sure to specify the methods and programs for statistical processing. Each figure should have a common header and a transcript of all the cuts. The captions should indicate the magnification level, the method of painting (or impregnation) of the drug.
  10. Pristateyny References should comply with GOST R7.05-2008, compiling a bibliography must be in alphabetical order. References to the source literature should be cited in the text in square brackets. Worth include a list of the authors for the last 7 years, while in the original articles can be quoted up to 20 sources, review of the literature - up to 70

Ethics of scientific publications

Authors are fully responsible for the spelling and style of materials submitted for publication. The editorial staff is not liable to the authors and / or third parties and organizations for any damage caused by the publication of the article. The editors have the right to withdraw published article, if it turns out that in the process of publication of the article had been violated someone's rights or generally accepted standards of scientific ethics. The fact of withdrawal according to the author of the article editors who submit articles and the organization where the work was performed. The journal accepts for the publication of brief reviews or discussion comments on previously published articles. These reviews or comments posted in the magazine immediately after the main article or its English translation, if any, as well as in the discussion section of the magazine. To publish reviews or remarks recommendations are not required, but the amount of each such print publications should not exceed 2 pages of format A4. Reviews and comments can be written in Russian or English. It prohibited the publication and / or distribution of materials of the magazine by third persons or organizations on the paper and solid electronic media.

Authors are fully responsible for the spelling and style of materials submitted; taking into account which came into force on January 1, 2008 Fourth Part of the Civil Code, regulating the traffic rights to intellectual property, the authors of the materials as a licensee provide a magazine exclusive rights to their publication.

Publishing procedure

You can submit an article by e-mail: vmbvestnik@mail.ru

For publication in the journal "VMBV" original articles are accepted in Russian or English, scientific reviews and reports (chronicle) of conferences, announcements, etc. materials related to contemporary theoretical and applied research on the subject of the magazine. In addition, authors can submit an adequate translation from one language to another published the entire text of the article. This article translated text is placed immediately following the original text.

The direction of the editors of papers published in other publications or sent for printing in other editions, is not permitted.

The editors reserve the right to reject an article without giving reasons. Rejected manuscripts are not returned. The order of the publication of articles in accordance with the set-up edition of the journal editorial.

The editorial staff reserves the right to shorten and edit material article, regardless of their volume, including changes in the titles of articles, terms and definitions. Small fixes stylistic, item or formal nature are included in the article without the consent of the author. If the article is processed by the author in the process of preparing for publication, the date of receipt shall be the date of receipt of the final text.

First of all graduate students are published (free of charge, subject to personal authorship graduate students without co-authorship), subscribers (in number of no more than 1 of the article).



The periodical journal "Vladikavkaz Medico-Biological Bulletin" in North Ossetia-Alania introduces the scientific community of the country and neighboring countries with the results of Russian scientists, including Ossetia in the basic and fundamental and applied biomedical research.

Quarterly peer-reviewed scientific and theoretical journal founded in 2001, at the beginning as the semi. Founder - Institute for Biomedical Research Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, co-founder - Medical University of the North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Russian Ministry of Health. In 2006, the journal is included in the Patent Journal and databases VINITI of periodicals and publications "UlrichPeroiodical Directory". Since 2010 it is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, recommended by WAC Russia for publishing significant results of theses for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences.

Currently, the journal expands its intellectual communication, including abroad, generates new information flows and communication, preparing to enter the Scopus. In an editorial portfolio increasing proportion of publications of prominent scientists, doctoral students and post-graduate students. Young scientists of the two institutions - science and education had the opportunity to be published in a serious magazine ranking, which is undoubtedly very important - publication activity and citation authors increases, Hirsch index - too!

The journal discusses the general problems of theoretical and practical medicine biomedical focus. And there is his fundamental scientific direction, approved by the Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences, as a basic for the Institute for Biomedical Research, along with the environmental. It opens up new horizons and opportunities analysis of the pathogenesis of different types of diseases and the creation of innovative technologies adequate pathogenetic therapy and prophylaxis using hronomeditsinskie approaches and solutions in cardiology, oncology, pediatrics for the prevention meteopaticheskih reactions, vascular accidents, after stress effects, and more. al.

The Editorial Board and the Editorial Board are convinced that the scientific periodicals "Vladikavkaz Medical and Biological Messenger" has a serious information and methodological support to young scientists of medical and biological profile in the Caucasus region, helping them to make a worthy contribution to the development of Russian science.

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