Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
VAC 5.5 Политические науки
UDK 32 Политика
Populist discourse plays an important role in contemporary politics, as it is a way to mobilize broad sections of the population and build mass support for political action. However, populism is not only demagogy, as is commonly believed. It is also a specific form of mentality that is based on social antagonism. The article aims to provide a conceptual explanation of populism, which will not only be reduced to a political technology, such as demagogy, but will also allow to expand the knowledge of populism within populist discourse. The article provides a conceptual analysis of populist discourse from the perspective of communicative approach and agonistic discourse. Particular attention is paid to the causes of populism, which is built on social contrasts, what kind of antagonisms it uses and to what extent they influence the public mood. It is suggested that this view of populism will allow us to approach the question of defining the discourse of populism and to determine the role of (conflict) communication in the construction of an agonistic model of conflictual political interaction. The article can help to better understand the agonistic model of conflictual political interaction. Study of the social antagonisms used in populist discourse and an analysis of their impact on public attitudes can clarify the mechanisms of conflict and suggest ways to resolve them within the agonistic model.
populism, conflict communication, antagonism, agonism, discourse, agonistic model
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