Smart Services LL (HR-Consultant)
Recruitment and selection of personnel is one of the most important tasks facing organizations that affect the effectiveness and stability of their activities. The beginning of the XXI century was marked by a continued increase in the pace of development of computer and network technologies, which was com-bined with increased accessibility for end users of modern devices. Personal computers and especially smartphones have become a necessary attribute of mo-dern life. In order to ensure the necessary speed and quality of solving the hiring problem, it is important to understand the current situation and expecta-tions of the participants in the process, apply relevant technologies and tools. The article examines the main participants in this process, as well as changes in their expectations and behavior, and also provides examples of tools that exist on the market, reflecting changes in the expectations of participants in this process.
hiring, selection, resume, interview, digitalization
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2. Konovalova V.G. Digital technologies as a factor of technostress: problems and possibilities of their solution // Human and intellectual resources management in Russia. - 2022. - №3. DOI:; EDN:
3. Skripnichenko L. S. Internet as a means of job search and personnel // Human and intellectual resources management in Russia. - 2022. - №4. DOI:; EDN:
4. / - URL: / (accessed January 25, 2023)
5. / - URL: / (accessed January 25, 2023).
6. / URL: / (accessed January 25, 2023).
7. One-way interview // / - URL: (accessed January 25, 2023).
8. Interactive Video Example: Recruiting for Deloitte // https://corp - URL: / (accessed January 25, 2023).