Belgorod, Russian Federation
UDK 372.8 Преподавание отдельных учебных предметов
UDK 371.315 Методы обучения в зависимости от подачи учебного материала
The article considers a variant of a lesson in literary reading, in which third-grade students study the story of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky "The Thief Cat". The teacher uses active teaching methods, offering third-graders at different stages of the lesson to work in pairs of a permanent composition, to conduct a cognitive research search. In the technology of the lesson, the classic methods of working with such a literary genre as a story are combined with some author's methods.
a lesson in literary reading, third grade students, the theme of the work of art, story idea, drawing up a structural plan of the work, K.G. Paustovsky, R.I. Fraerman
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