UDK 331.108.2 Вопросы кадров. Набор кадров. Управление кадрами
This article discusses the principles of personnel policy as the main tool for personnel development. The main tasks of personnel policy are studied. The principles of implementing an eff ective personnel policy in the organization are proposed. The main mechanisms of personnel policy in the fi eld of corporate culture, recruitment and adaptation of personnel, motivation, training, development and evaluation of personnel, information support of the organization’s personnel are described. The authors propose a model of working with personnel based on the division of functions and the organization of interaction between managers and staff services. The necessity of involving middle and line management in personnel management in order to increase the role and responsibility of managers at all levels in personnel management is argued. A system of measures aimed at increasing this involvement is proposed. The elements of an eff ective motivation system are studied in detail. The tasks of the motivation system, training and development system in the context of the profession are presented.
personnel policy, corporate culture, adaptation, mentoring, motivation, personnel reserve, personnel potential
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