Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
This article discusses the essence and features of the formation of one of the modern corporate programs for personnel management — workplace well-being concept (WPWBC). It is noted that the main goal of this concept is to increase the level of well-being of personnel, their deep and productive involvement in the company’s activities. The main components that affect the productivity of workers from the position of the WPWBC are considered. These are programs that affect: physical and psychological health , a comfortable working environment, financial well-being and professional growth. The essence of these components and the advanced directions of their development are analyzed. The relationship between the theory of justice and WPWBC is shown. The theory of distributive justice is based on the belief that employees become demotivated towards their job and their employer if they believe that their contribution is greater than what they receive as a result of their work in the organization. According to this theory, finding a fair balance between what employees contribute and what they receive in the organization serves the purpose of ensuring a strong and productive relationship between the organization and the employee.
workplace well-being concept, self-efficacy and high labor productivity, long-term and short-term staff incentive programs, regulation of the psychological health of workers, positive level of well-being
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