Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study was to identify the features of communication links within the production enterprises of the Krasnodar Territory and develop a recommendation for their improvement. Research methods: observation, analysis of internal documentation; questionnaire to study the preferred and used channels of internal communications; questionnaire of satisfaction with internal communications and quality of communications in the organization. The sample was 162 people from ten different production enterprises of the Krasnodar Territory. To analyze the characteristics of companies, interviews were conducted with managers and ordinary employees, as well as an analysis of the regulatory framework of enterprises. The results of the study made it possible to determine the positive aspects of internal organizational communications, to identify problem areas and ways to eliminate them. The data obtained can be used in the practice of organizational consulting, in the activities of HR services and departments to develop a strategy for the formation of a corporate culture, employee loyalty and a favorable socio-psychological climate of enterprises.

communications, internal communications of the organization, communication barriers, communication process, communication networks, personnel management, human resources
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