Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article notes that the loyalty of the staff is of great interest in science. The interest in loyalty is just as high among the management of organizations, which is not due to the simple socio-economic conditions in which Russian business finds itself. Great interest in loyalty also opens up a research problem: loyalty programs developed at enterprises do not always ensure that loyalty is maintained at the proper level. This article is devoted to the resolution of this problem. In it, the author proposes a set of tools for regulating the loyalty of personnel in an organization. Tools by themselves do not have a regulatory effect on loyalty. In order for the tools to start functioning, a structure is needed that uses them. As such a structure, usually, there are divisions of personnel management services, sometimes, such a structure may be a trade union loyal to the organization. The main mission of the structure that regulates the loyalty of personnel is the implementation of the principle: to serve one’s company with interest. Such a principle is unlikely to ever be fully realized. But this is a very important social landmark of the company, to which it is necessary to set the employees. At the same time, like any social landmark, it is effective as long as the individual associates his personal success with it. The success of an organization’s loyalty programs depends to a large extent on the valid use of loyalty tools by the structures designed in organizations to regulate loyalty. The validity of loyalty instruments depends on how much they correspond to the goals of the company and the conditions for the implementation of this company’s business.

personnel loyalty, social regulators, organizational culture, personnel mood, regulation, management
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