Russian Federation
To succeed in the face of constant and unpredictable changes, organizations need to ensure a high level of employee engagement and satisfaction with their work. These processes contribute to sales growth, increase customer loyalty and reduce staff turnover. At the same time, research organizations reveal that almost 80% of employees of companies around the world are disappointed in their work. This circumstance reduces their productivity and contribution to the development of the organizations in which they work. Specialists identify conditions that neutralize dissatisfaction and increase employee motivation. At the same time, special attention is paid to the involvement of the employee in the creative flow, which contributes to his development and improvement of his results. The following practices were identified by analyzing of companies’ activities to promote the happiness of their employees: the formation of common company values and building their connection with the values of employees; providing employees with autonomy in making key decisions about their professional activities; creating opportunities for initiative and creativity in the development of their field; creating conditions for the constant exchange of ideas, knowledge, experience, as well as feedback.
employee engagement, employee satisfaction with their activities, motivation, creative flow, autonomy
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