Minsk, Belarus
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
The development of approaches to the formation of didactic materials focused on displaying scien-tific and informational reality and providing the best perception and assimilation of the discipline is relevant for modern engineering education, the requirements for which are undergoing significant changes. The article discusses an approach to the development of didactic materials with the condi-tional name "compression with quality improvement", in which the fulcrum is transferred from the textbook to the scientific and informational reality. At the same time, engineering knowledge is di-vided into two interrelated components: the essential content of knowledge and information or in-telligence. The concept of a conceptual framework (CPC) of the discipline is formulated and the principles of its creation are listed, the general structure of the CPC is considered, the methodology for forming its elements is outlined, and a fragment of a conceptually oriented synopsis is given
engineering education, engineering activity, engineering knowledge, conceptual framework
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