Saratov, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the study of the topical issue of determining the importance of educational work among the university youth in countering the spread of the ideology of terrorism and extremism. The authors of the article point out that young people are the most susceptible to ideological influence. It is necessary to search for new forms and methods in educational work aimed not only at prevention, but also at the formation of a stable civil and social position of young people. Patriotism, countering the ideology of terrorism and extremism were taken as a basis for planning the educational and patriotic marathon “Week of Unified Actions”, which proved the effectiveness of the organization of interdepartmental interaction of the university with representatives of various state legal structures in the framework of the direction “Youth Policy” of the Priority 2030 program.
youth safety, educational work, ideology of terrorism and extremism, youth policy, values, prevention, educational and patriotic marathon “Week of Unified Actions”
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