Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract The authors of the article focus on a comparative analysis of linguistic constructs representing communicative strategies and tactics, the combination of which determines the unique synergistic structure of the inaugural discourse in different language cultures (Russian/Chinese). The relevance of this work is defined by the object of the study itself. The act of inauguration, being a crucial marker in the political culture of society, represents a complex institutional phenomenon. On the one hand, it records the transition and legitimation of state power, and on the other hand, it ensures the generation and acceptance of ideas that manifest the conventional system of values, thereby ensuring the stability of a specific linguocultural space. Through the linguopragmatic analysis of the inaugural speeches of the state leaders of the Russian Federation and China, such as V.V. Putin, D.A. Medvedev, B.N. Yeltsin, Xi Jinping, Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin (from 1991 to 2023), the authors of the article prove that the invariant goal-setting of the inaugural address determines a strict implementation of genre canons. However, the external symbolic framework of the procedure adheres to nationally significant axiological constants, whereas the ritual intentional message of the inaugural discursive practice is inevitably modified by each leader of the country during the individual speech formulation in accordance with the expectations of the electorate. This leads to linguistic variability both in the inaugural speech and in the inaugural discourse as a whole. The present research is believed to enable the identification of general trends in the development of forms of civil society governance, to examine specific cases of their implementation in a particular linguocultural space, to describe the process of conceptualizing the “key words” of the main agents of political communication, and, as a result, to forecast the development vector of collective and individual consciousness of civil society representatives.

inaugural discourse, inaugural address, integrative/desintegrative communicative strategies and tactics, verbal markers, linguocultural indicatorss
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