Computer simulation of the recuperative crank mechanism for turning the column of the manipulator of a timber road train
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study is aimed at improving the efficiency of the hydraulic manipulators of timber-carrying road trains operating in difficult natural and climatic conditions. The relevance of the scientific direction is substantiated, aimed at reducing energy losses in the hydraulic drives of manipulators in the process of performing loading and unloading operations. The works of foreign scientists are analyzed, which made it possible to identify promising areas for improving the efficiency of hydraulic manipulators, including the development of more modern drives, increasing productivity, accuracy and automation of their control processes. In order to improve the energy efficiency, performance and reliability of hydraulic manipulators of timber road trains, the authors proposed a promising design of the column slewing mechanism with a crank drive. The study was based on mathematical and simulation modeling, numerical methods, as well as modern methods for obtaining and processing information with computer support. A mathematical model and a computer program for the operation of a hydraulic manipulator with a regenerative crank drive of the column slewing mechanism made it possible to estimate the recuperated energy and the swing amplitude of the transported load. When using a hydraulic manipulator equipped with the proposed crank drive, the boom length of which is on average 6 m, and the weight of the transported timber is 600 kg, the amount of energy that can be stored in the pneumohydraulic accumulator is about 1300 J. The angular unevenness of the crank drive is 23.6 % and 4.6 % when assessed in terms of recuperated energy and load swing amplitude, respectively. For a typical hydraulic manipulator with a boom length of 6 m, when braking the rotation of the column, the recuperation system allows to store from 0.39 to 2.59 kW with a load mass of 200 to 1400 kg, respectively, with an acceptable load swing amplitude, respectively, from 0.2 to 0.48 m. The obtained results will be used as recommendations for the purpose of finalizing the proposed crank drive of the rotary device of the hydraulic manipulator at the stage of its design.

timber road train, hydraulic manipulator, energy recovery of the working fluid, crank drive for turning the column, loading and unloading timber, turning mechanism, pneumohydraulic accumulator, mathematical modeling, efficiency, energy losses
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