Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper examines the form of teaching metacognitive skills in the teaching sphere in a secondary school, and studies methods for assessing the formation of these skills in relation to academic success. The author identifies the specifics of methods for assessing the formation of these skills as component for the formation of competencies in students. Teaching these skills is considered as part of the modern educational process and a factor in the formation of academic success. In this context, the object of the study is metacognitive skills, and the subject is the relationship of methods for assessing these skills with academic success. Metacognitive skills are characterized as components of universal competencies, as well as an educational conception for the formation of educational competencies in teaching and competence in professional activity. The author attempts to study the relationship of the level of metacognitive skills with academic success and its significance in the learning process.

metacognitive skills, academic success, social success, diagnostics, assessment of formation, educational results, educational process, training
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