On the material of modern poetic texts of the poem "Ten Moons» in the original by the British writer S. Dugdale and translation, the phonosemantic analysis of the tone of the text using the automated system ParallelDots (and the others) is carried out. The aim of the study is to identify the effectiveness of automated systems of tonality analysis in general and in the translation of poetic literature, and to determine which of these systems have the greatest functionality, the highest accuracy and analyze the text on the greatest number of levels. Various methods of automated sentiment analysis are used: ParallelDots, SentiStrength, SentiWordNet, Social Media Monitoring Tool, VAAL, Zvukotsvet.ru. The analysis allows to establish the possibility of using this automated system in the work of a translator with the aim of self-testing for the compliance with the adequate transfer of the pragmatic potential of the poetic text in the fiction translation. The relevance and novelty of the study is beyond any doubt in view of the growing digitalization and the need to resort to different types of artificial intelligence to achieve quality and ergonomics in the translation process. The study has undoubted practical relevance: the results obtained allow us to identify the most successful automated systems for sentiment analysis of poetic discourse.
phonosemantic analysis, automated systems, text tonality, poetic discourse, modern British poetry, S. Dugdale. communicative and pragmatic effect
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