Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article considers international project activities at the university as a tool for the formation of students' cultural competence. Cultural and international projects at the university contribute to the expansion of students' horizons about other scientific and professional fields, which affects the formation of cultural competence, which in turn affects the development of a threedimensional worldview, Self-Agent qualities, motivation for self-knowledge and self-realization, etc. Also, a culture-oriented educational process using project activities at a university provides conditions for students to adapt to work in related fields of activity, mastering new skills, continuous learning and development throughout life, which corresponds to the realities of a dynamically developing labor market at the present stage. In turn, the formation of cultural competence has always been considered as a necessary requirement for higher education, but in modern conditions it is of particular importance. The above aspects indicate the possibility and necessity of a modern university to implement culture-oriented and culture-preserving functions, which are extremely significant in the situation of the value crisis of modern Russian society.
cultural competence, project approach, competence-based approach, intercultural communicative competence, project-based learning
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