Russian Federation
The article discusses the draft federal law “On Culture in the Russian Federation”, as the legal base model legislation in the sphere of culture, reveals its basic features in comparison to the current legal regulation, based on the laws of the Russian Federation on culture. There are three basic models of implementation of the bill: conservative, positive and negative, as well as their significant characteristics. It is concluded about the need for legal experiments in making basic laws in a certain area of social relations. Currently the legal regulation of legal experiments in the Russian Federation is absent. It is proposed to conduct two legal experiments to assess the implementation of the draft federal law “On Culture in the Russian Federation”. The article describes the baseline characteristics of these experiments and the legal order of their conduct. In conclusion the study is summarized and conclusions are formulated.
Culture, law, law drafting, legal model, model of the implementation of the bill, legal experiment, cultural tourism, public-private partnerships.
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