Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article emphasizes the influence of the structure of labor motivation on the effectiveness of personnel management and the efficiency of the company’s employees, confirming the relevance of the declared topic. The validity of the delineation of known approaches to the analysis of the structure of labor motivation of enterprise personnel into three conditional types (determinant, parametric, typological) is justified. An object approach to structuring the labor motivation system of personnel is proposed, the concept of which is adequate to the target targets of motivational monitoring, associated with ranking the objects of motivational monitoring (OMM) by the level of well-being and with assessing the effectiveness of management (targeted impact) of specialized divisions of the enterprise. The original methodological toolkit for monitoring the labor motivation system is presented and illustrated on conditional examples, the key elements of which are the development of a Map of expert assessments of the current state of IMM profile indicators and the formation of a summary matrix that accumulates the results of TSTI (current state-trend of change) — analysis.

personnel labor motivation system; motivational monitoring facility; an object approach to structuring the labor motivation system; SCI (current state-trend) — analysis; methodological tools
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