Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the causes of the emergence of the creative class in a post-industrial society. The place and role that it plays in modern society is considered. The importance of the creative class lies in the fact that the growth of its number and the expansion of its influence on society leads to the fact that the introduction of scientific and technological progress in public production is happening at a faster pace. The purpose of the research presented in  the article is  to study the features of  the creative class in  the conditions of modern Russian society. The scientific novelty of  the research consists in substantiating the relationship between the emergence of a creative class and the formation and development of a post-industrial society. New requirements are being imposed on employees of post-industrial society, the main of which are creativity. An objective need to activate and encourage a person’s creative abilities is being formed in society. The practical value of the research consists in the formation of prerequisites for the development of methods and technologies for motivating representatives of the Russian creative class, taking into account its characteristics and behavioral styles.

creative class, post-industrial society, knowledge society, creativity, meritocracy
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